Reflective vest manufacturers tell us that reflective light is often referred to as reflected light. Different colors and different reflective fabrics make the reflected light different. Today we will understand how to judge the reflective effect.
According to reports, according to the nature of the color, the depth, and the texture of the reflective material, there are strong or weak, more or less, here we have to mention reflective materials. With the development of science and the deepening of research, the reflective effect of reflective materials is also increasing. The better; the reflective strip on the reflective vest uses the principle of light retroreflectivity to produce a reflective effect. Luminescence has energy problems and light pollution problems, while the fluorescence is too weak and difficult to control. Only reflective. With the help of reflective materials, it can The light is reflected back faithfully and effectively, which effectively protects the safety of traffic police and operators at night.
Many people don’t like to wear work clothes, because they think work clothes are too ugly, and they don’t like to wear them when they are full. Sanitation work clothes manufacturers tell us that as long as you master the color collocation and pay attention to beautiful appearance, you can wear different styles.
The first is to match the same color, which is a simple and easy way to match colors, that is, to mix colors with the same hue and close brightness. Such as dark red and light red, dark green and light green, dark gray and light gray, etc. The upper and lower garments prepared in this way can produce a harmonious and natural color beauty; secondly, pay attention to the matching of adjacent colors, and mix the colors near the color spectrum to easily receive a harmonious effect, such as red and yellow, orange and yellow, and blue. In combination with green and other colors, the brightness and purity of the two colors are best to be staggered when blending in this way.
In addition, there is a general matching of main colors, with one main color as the base color, and one or two or more optional colors, so that the color of the entire costume is distinct and complementary. This is a common color matching method. Choose this This kind of color matching method needs attention, the color should not be too verbose and messy, and try to use it sparingly.